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Panco Management Ranked #2 of the Top 100 Management Companies

Panco Management has been ranked #2 by ApartmentRatings and Satisfacts in their list of Top 100 Management Companies with 25 or More Communities for January 2020. This list is determined by four main variables including 1) Ratings from renters’ reviews and surveys; 2) Manager review response rate; 3) Volume of reviews and 4) Manager review response time.

“This is not only an amazing accomplishment but also a true testament to the diligent work of each of our property managers and their teams,” states Kathy Masterson, Senior VP of Operations at Panco. “It also illustrates our strong commitment as a company to providing quality service to our residents and supporting the success of each of our communities.”

For more information, visit the Satisfacts website.

About Pantzer Properties, Inc.

Founded in 1971, Pantzer Properties is a fully integrated owner / operator of multifamily assets in high-rise, midrise and garden style format along the North East and Mid-Atlantic corridor of the United States. Headquartered in New York City with offices in New Jersey, Philadelphia and Northern Virginia, Pantzer Properties’ portfolio extends from the Greater Boston to Washington D.C. metro area. Further information is available at https://www.pantzerproperties.com.

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